jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014


All Hallow Eve at Salesianos
4th ESO celebrated Halloween in English by some plays.

            Our theatre fan teacher had a good idea for learning English in Halloween: we have to create a horror story and play it for our classmates, in English, of course!

At first, our teacher, Pedro, projected a funny video by Mister Bean who was watching a horror film at a cinema with his girlfriend while they were eating popcorns. Here it's the video link, if you want to see it, it's really funny:

This video gave us the idea to make horror plays. We prepared the scrypts during the week and on Wednesday  after Halloween, our classroom was transformed into a theatre. With a lot of make-up, costumes and decoration, the show started:

The first play (by Marta García, Juan Manuel Dueñas, María Bravo, Ana Escribano) was a horror story about a priest who was killing a lot of people.
Then, Laura Olmo, Ángel Moreno, María Moreno and Alejandro Pinel represented the attack of a powerful ghost in a party.
Jose Andrés, Laura Tribaldo, Alina Sandu and Rocío Sánchez were a group of friends who have to look for some costumes in a strange scary house.

Jose Antonio Rubio was a crazy killer who killed Nuria Ranchal and Laura Redondo in their play with a knife.

Pedro García, Nerea Juarez, Mari Luna Márquez and Ángela Guillena represented the visit of the Death to a group of quiet friends who were dying slowly.

It was an interesting experience because we learned English and drama, and we laughed a lot with  plays which tried to be  terrifying, but at the end, they were funny.

By Alejandro Pinel  & Laura Olmo

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